C4D FOR VRAY全面培训教程 MographPlus – Comprehensive Introduction to VrayForC4d 

2016-06-20 13:27 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D FOR vray全面培训教程 MographPlus – Comprehensive Introduction to VrayForC4d
C4D FOR VRAY全面培训教程 MographPlus – Comprehensive Introduction to VrayForC4d - C4D之家 - VrayProxy2-_-75-Million-Poly.jpg
在本系列教程时长约7小时40分钟,教大家如何使用VRay For C4D,会重点讲解V-Ray灯光。这应该是目前zui*全面的VRay For C4D训练教程了,教程语言为英文。
MographPlus – Comprehensive Introduction to VrayForC4d
In this series of tutorials in more than 7 hours and 40 minutes we learn how to use VrayForC4D , this training is the most comprehensive VrayForC4d training ever.
We start the course by showing you where to find different V-ray tools and functions inside Cinema 4D , After that we start talking about different V-ray light types and walk you through different options for different light types , We cover everything you need to know about lights in V-ray and how to use them . we will pay a very special attention to area light and sun light as they are the most important lights in VrayForC4d


B Color Smilies

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: MographPlus
教程来源: www.c4d.cn

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