这是一套全面介绍C4D软件的使用方法,共7个章节,包括建模、贴图材质、灯光、效果器、OC渲染等。In this six-course Domestika Basics, learn Cinema 4D from scratch. Through a balanced mix of theory and practical content, master the essential tools and features to create everything from static images to 3D animations and render them with octaneRender.
U1 - Introdución y conceptos básicos
COURSE 1 - U1 - Introduction.mp4
COURSE 1 - U2 - Interface.mp4
COURSE 1 - U3 - Document Settings.mp4
COURSE 1 - U4 - Move through space.mp4
COURSE 1 - U5 - Flat views and perspective.mp4
COURSE 1 - U6 - Creating basic primitive figures.mp4
COURSE 1 - U7 - Modification of basic figures.mp4
COURSE 1 - U8 - Basic Selections.mp4
COURSE 1 - U9 - Hierarchies.mp4
U2 - MODELADO I - Deformaciones y modelado con líneas
COURSE 2 - U1 - Welcome.mp4
COURSE 2 - U2 - Deformers - Bend + Screw.mp4
COURSE 2 - U3 - Deformers - Swell + skew.mp4
COURSE 2 - U4 - Deformers - Sharpen + crush + stretch.mp4
COURSE 2 - U5 - Deformers - FFD.mp4
COURSE 2 - U6 - Basic Lines.mp4
COURSE 2 - U7 - Extrusion.mp4
COURSE 2 - U8 - Travel.mp4
COURSE 2 - U9 - Cover.mp4
COURSE 2 - U10 - Lathe.mp4
COURSE 2 - U11 - Practice.mp4
U3 - MODELADO II - Modelando desde 0
COURSE 3 - U1 - Welcome.mp4
COURSE 3 - U2 - Editable figures, basics.mp4
COURSE 3 - U3 - Cut Cyclic.mp4
COURSE 3 - U4 - Extrude and Inner Extrusion.mp4
COURSE 3 - U5 - Bridge.mp4
COURSE 3 - U6 - Stitching and sewing and welding.mp4
COURSE 3 - U7 - Bevel.mp4
COURSE 3 - U8 - Advanced Selections.mp4
COURSE 3 - U9 - Conversion to editable and subdivision groups into objects.mp4
COURSE 3 - U10 - Center Axes.mp4
COURSE 3 - U11 - Introduction to the Surface Branch.mp4
COURSE 3 - U12 - Modeling with Surface Subdivision.mp4
COURSE 3 - U13 - Modeling with volume generator.mp4
COURSE 3 - U14 - Practice.mp4
U4 - Materiales, Cámaras e Iluminación con OctaneRender
COURSE 4 - U1 - Welcome.mp4
COURSE 4 - U2 - Introduction to Octane render.mp4
COURSE 4 - U3 - Area Lights.mp4
COURSE 4 - U4 - IES lights.mp4
COURSE 4 - U5 - HDRI lights.mp4
COURSE 4 - U6 - Sun lights.mp4
COURSE 4 - U7 - Introduction to the materials.mp4
COURSE 4 - U8 - Diffuse materials.mp4
COURSE 4 - U9 - Reflective materials.mp4
COURSE 4 - U10 - Transparent materials.mp4
COURSE 4 - U11 - Playing with the nodes.mp4
COURSE 4 - U12 - Adapt materials.mp4
COURSE 4 - U13 - Choice of our camera.mp4
COURSE 4 - U14 - Camera settings.mp4
COURSE 4 - U15 - Practice I.mp4
COURSE 4 - U15 - Practice II.mp4
U5 - Bases y herramientas de la animación
COURSE 5 - U1 - Welcome.mp4
COURSE 5 - U2 - Basic animations_ movement, scale and rotation.mp4
COURSE 5 - U3 - Animation Curves.mp4
COURSE 5 - U4 - Align and wrap spline.mp4
COURSE 5 - U5 - Collision.mp4
COURSE 5 - U6 - Rigid dynamic objects.mp4
COURSE 5 - U7 - Soft dynamic objects.mp4
COURSE 5 - U8 - Dynamic objects fabrics.mp4
COURSE 5 - U9 - Introduction to cloner.mp4
COURSE 5 - U10 - Effects 1.mp4
COURSE 5 - U11 - Effects 2.mp4
COURSE 5 - U12 - Voronoi fracture.mp4
COURSE 5 - U13 - Hair.mp4
COURSE 5 - U14 - Particles.mp4
COURSE 5 - U15 - Practice.mp4
U6 - Render y postproducción
COURSE 6 - U1 - Welcome.mp4
COURSE 6 - U2 - Render Static.mp4
COURSE 6 - U3 - Assembly and Post-production in Photoshop.mp4
COURSE 6 - U4 - Render video.mp4
COURSE 6 - U5 - Assembly and Post-production in Premiere Pro.mp4
COURSE 6 - U5 - Assembly and Post-production in Premiere Pro.rar
C2_U10_ADJ_01_Contorno Botella.ai
C4_U1_ADJ_01_Escenario para camaras.c4d
C4_U1_ADJ_01_Escenario para luces.c4d
C4_U5_ADJ_01_Pelota de playa.c4d
所需软件:Cinema 4D
素 材:包含工程文件
字 幕:西班牙语英文字幕
格 式 :MP4,1920×1080